Join us at the most fun Juniors Outdoor tournament of the Summer
South Carolina Poultry Festival
Juniors Volleyball Tournament
History of the tournament:
The South Carolina Poultry Festival Volleyball Tournament has been around for 30 years as an adult volleyball tournament. This year is the first year that it will be a Juniors ONLY tournament.
The SC Poultry Festival itself is a 3 day long event starting on Thursday and ending on Saturday evening each year. During this yearly event there are many things to do such as: watch a pageant, play a Golf Tournament, Corn hole tournament, look at cool cars in the Car Show, and play in a Volleyball Tournament. There is also rides for the kids, a barbeque cook off and tasting event, and Fireworks at 9pm on Saturday night. It is a great family event that the whole town and surrounding towns come out for. The Volleyball Tournament will be on Saturday the 10th. Play will start at 9am on Saturday. To see all of the Events of the Festival and learn everything that it has to offer click here: Poultry Festival
About the Volleyball Tournament:
We will be hosting a grass triples tournament for up to 40 Juniors teams. Junior players are players that are still in school. Teams from 13- 18yrs old can have up to 3 players on the court (but can play with just 2 if you want). The 12s teams can play with 4 players on a court at a time. ​n
Each team will play at least 3 round robin matches in pool play and then compete in the single elimination playoffs to win your division. 6
The pre-registration cost for each team is $60 up until May 5th. That is $20/player for 13s-18s and $15/player for 12U.
The cost goes up if you register after May 5th until day of the tournament and will be $75. We encourage you to register early as this helps us with prizes and knowing how many nets to set up.
You can pay for the entry fee with cash or Venmo at the tournament.
Age division winners will compete for t-shirts and medals.
We will be playing using the South Carolina Outdoor Rules where you cannot receive the serve with your hands (using finger action) and you cannot set the ball over the net (with finger action) on any contact. Also, on the 3rd hit you cannot open hand tip the ball over the net. It must be hit or redirected with a motion other than with the tips of the fingers (can use knuckles though)
How to Register:
Click on this link to register for the tournament: https://tinyurl.com/SCPFVballTournament
Waivers: Every player needs a parent to sign a waiver!
Understand that this tournament is not a USAV, AAU, or JVA tournament. This tournament is being put on by the city of Batesburg-Leesville as part of the festival. Everyone playing and their parent must understand that there is a risk of injury when doing any sporting event. Each player must have their parent sign this waiver form to be able to play: Waiver Form. We will obviously do everything possible to ensure that there are safe playing conditions on the field.