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Sponsoring the club, team, or player

Let's face it, times are tough and getting tougher for many American families.  Club Volleyball is an expense that some people can't afford without help.  Local Girl Volleyball Club is doing its best to help out by trying to provide club for the cheapest possible price but still provide a great club experience to our members.   This is all that we can do without help from other generous people like you.


There are 2 options to help out.  You can advertise on our Club Shirt or sponsor our club, specific team, or specific player.


If you are interested in helping out you can download the Sponsor Form 2025


Advertising on our Club Shirt:  You can help out all of our players by advertising your business on our club’s practice shirt.  When you sponsor our club for this season your company name will be put on the back of our club shirt as a sponsor.  These shirts, worn by all of our athletes and coaches, will have all of our sponsors (gold and silver level) on it.  These shirts are worn at practices, tournaments, and around town.   People will see the shirt and it can be a great opportunity for you to advertise your business to our area and beyond. We will also put your logo and business information on our website as an official sponsor of our club.


If you don't want the advertising you could sponsor the club with a donation to the club as a whole, a specific team, or a specific player with a donation.  


Sponsoring the club:  

If you sponsor the club as a whole through a donation then 100% of the money will be used to help out every player.  This could be in the form for a practice shirt with your business name on the back.  Or it could be used to help out multiple players in the club with partial scholarships who may be struggling.  Or you could let us know how you would like the money to be spent.


Sponsoring a specific team:

If you would like to sponsor just one team through a donation then once again you can decide how the money is used to help that team.  If you wanted your business name on something (other than the web site) then we could make a warm up shirt for that team.  We could divide the money between all players of that team to help them out.  We are also willing to talk to you about how you would like for it to be used.


Sponsoring one specific player:

If you would like to sponsor just one player through a donation - (could be a family member or someone that you may know) then 100% of any sponsorship that you give will go to that player.  


Note about all sponsorshipsLocal Girl Volleyball Club is not 501-C3 club.   This means that any donation/sponsorship will be very appreciated but will not be able to be deducted from your personal or business taxes.  

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